To the President of the Center of Mental Health and Addiction (CAMH)
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all...
Petition to End the War on People
Sign the Petition to begin the campaign to End the War on People through intervening in the Paul James matter.
38 Hours and Counting - Paul James Death Row - Vote For Anyone BUT Liberal
Dear the Right Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Just so that it is documented I have approximately 38 hours of existence remaining. I am...
I will now End my Life: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Dear the Right Honorable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, "Sometimes it is necessary to be lonely in order to prove you are right" ...
Homeless: Not To Be Celebrated!
Hello George Wright, Thank you for your email. While I respect your efforts with completing a documentary about the upcoming Homeless...