Multi-EMMY/BAFTA Winner Mike Young Aghast at Canada’s Treatment of Canadian Soccer Legend Paul Jame
In a mesmerizing letter to newly appointed President of York University Rhonda Lenton, Mike Young a 17 time EMMY & BAFTA winner outlines...

101 Stigmatizing CUTS: Suicide Would be Painless Compared to Living Through the Stigma of Drug Addic
Preface to this latest submission. I am 17 days into my fifth hunger strike. While I have ingested more calories per day in this protest...

101 Stigmatizing CUTS: Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
“To confirm human dignity is to reject discrimination,” yet, “the tendency to fall into discrimination is deeply rooted in the human...

101 Stigmatizing CUTS.
“Never Wrestle with Pigs or Chimney Sweeps” The Malcolm Mercer Contribution Existential Anxiety is the excruciating razor sharp cutting...

Ranking 101 Stigmatizing CUTS.
“Anatomy of an Absolute Nightmare” If prejudice is an emotional commitment to ignorance as coined by the brilliant Jane Elliot famed for...

Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Canadian Soccer Association.
September 5, 2017 It is with profound disappointment but without reservation that I request/demand the Canadian government take the...

Dear MP Adam Vaughan.
August 21, 2017 Dear MP Adam Vaughan, Please copy this correspondence on to the office of the honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau...

Dear Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
The Right Hon. Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister House of Commons Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6 June 26, 2017 Dear Honourable Prime...

Connecting the dots of collusion, injustice and devastation: The immoral and unethical handling of t
Dear York University Board of Governors, You will recall the March 15, 2017 letter I sent to you and President Shoukri. I now request...

Paul returns to YouTube, after his third hunger strike seeking social justice.
In this video: - Hunger Striking: Three down, without resolution....two to go. - Email Hacking. - Thank you: Iain Hume, Paul Nelson,...