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Canada: a Nation of Namby Pamby's

Dear ALL,

Living in Parks is the not the ideal circumstance for hunger striking. I am moving to a park area where I will have no communication access therefore the blogs will be impossible for me to prepare and send.

Therefore I will leave you with a few definitions based on my experience of the past decade getting incrementally worse each passing year as it became clear you have no enforceable human rights as an exposed person of substance disability.

The "stalwart Canada" of the 1980's is not the Canada of present day.

Where do you fit in?

Namby Pamby

Lacking strength and courage; feeble in behavior or expression, weak, spineless, wimpy, sissy, ineffectual, effeminate, meek, pliable, submissive, cowardly, timid, corrupt, dastardly, unprincipled, unscrupulous, villainous, fainthearted...Schadenfreude: sitting on the fence pretending you care about a circumstance but you only really care about seeing the macabre outcomes with gleeful fascination...

Namby Pamby's in the Paul James matter

Mary Ormsby (Toronto Star), Bob Rae (Lawyer, Humanitarian), the Right Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the Honorable Attorney General of Canada Jody Wilson-Raybould, Adam Vaughan (Liberal MP), James Maloney (Liberal MP), Deborah Schulte (Liberal MP), Malcolm Mercer (President of the Canadian Law Society and General Secretary of McCarthy Tetrault), Lisa Constantine (former Lawyer for York University removed by McCarthy Tetrault), Harriet Lewis (former General Counsel of York University) Jenn Myers (AD at York University) Shelia Forshaw (York University BOG and former CEO of Sport York), Bree Carr-Harris, Jamie Teixeira, JP Savage, Colin Perkel (Canadian Press), Stephen Meurice (Canadian Press), Anne Marie Owens (National Post), Pat Santini (Canada Soccer), Canada Soccer, Lorna Marsden (Past President York University), Mahmoud Shoukri (Past President York University), Alexandra Sienkiewicz (Reporter CBC) et al



Bold, brave, courageous, dauntless, fearless, gallant, gutsy, heroic, intrepid, lionhearted, manful, stout, undaunted, valiant, valorous, galvanizing, inspiring, invigorating....

Stalwart's in the Paul James matter ??

Addressing Bob Rae and Mary Ormsby Malcolm Mercer

You are truly disturbed individuals to have participated in what you have most recently with the Toronto Star.

Bob Rae

I met you Bob in December of 2017 - almost a year on, my life is once again in a worse situation in every facet all a consequence of my meeting and believing in you. An extraordinary accomplishment you have achieved knowing where I started from and with you concluding that you disagreed with every one of York University and the Canadian Judicial system's decisions in my regard and that the system had treated me very very badly.

How is the stubbornness you bragged about yourself, doing for you now Bob Rae? Much easier when you are stubborn for no reason and when you have all the essentials of life at your disposal. Easy to be stubborn then, is it not? It was a game for you. A game with no rules, with a disparity of power, class and social status which meant I didn't stand a chance unless I conformed to your wishes of still no justice. You could have simply facilitated justice/resolution so I could have moved on with my life, something I have been trying to accomplish for the past decade. But there had to be an agenda.

You forget the readings of John Stuart Mill from your class work many decades ago and the instantiate appetite of others to control for more and more greed and power. I do not have any respect for you Bob Rae. What you have participated in here against one Canadian citizen - knowing the injustice which has taken place - is a life defining moment for you. Something you should not feel proud about. How you can assist a million Rohingya in Bangladesh on the other side of the world to achieve recognition for their cause and not solve a simple straightforward matter with the human rights abuse of one Canadian citizen. It is beyond farcical it is culpable based on collusion and agenda seeking with no sense of ethical or moral methods in getting there. You are a spoiled man Bob Rae and in my circumstance you have acted that way to the hilt. Check your text message on the day I was entering an ambulance. You have absolutely no class. How dare you treat my life circumstances in the way you have. From the get go you undermined, lied and manipulated even asking Kevin Tierney the night before we met, "does he still use"? Like Adam Vaughan, JP Savage, James Maloney et al. It was and is disgusting!

I delegate you Bob Rae when that fateful day soon arrives that it is you who informs my "amazing family" with your scapegoating reasons of why it all happened.

Mary Ormsby

How you can have the audacity to criticize and complain about Doug Ford knowing what you have participated in with the Paul James matter? It is the personification of evil. I have nothing else to say or write to you, beyond: You deserve the title of NambyPamby valedictorian in the Paul James matter. You came in right at the end, from the outside, to pip many others deserving of the title. Congratulations to you.

Malcolm Mercer

You are the quarter back of such absurdity even the devil listens to you.

Your elevation to the President of the Canadian Law a Society from the ethics committee confirms Canada as the corrupt nation it is behind Angola and ironically Bangladesh in terms of judicial accountability. Simply put there is no accountability and in spite of much lip service on an improvement of accessing justice for ALL Canadians; our ethical rigor; and our respect for mental disability, it is ALL absolute nonsense of which you are responsible for propagating the rhetoric.

The Paul James matter confirms how the system when it receives a file at the HRTO level can be "rigged" throughout its adjudication. From start to finish based on the needs of the system. The quality of any society is and should be based on that society's sense of FAIR JUSTICE. In the Paul James Mr. Malcolm Mercer you and your legal cohorts throughout have willfully failed to the point you are willingly happy to let a person suffer in the way I have had to.

McCarthy Tretault has no reason to act smug around their offices.


If you attempt to scapegoat my hunger strike protests being as a result of mental illness or quitting on life then cement yourself into the Namby Pamby group as it represents your inability to fight for a cause; to be objective; and your lack of ability to read and comprehend.

For those that conclude that without me on the planet, there is No Voice:

Have you ever thought that I may not want to be a voice or an advocate. A part of what I am fighting for is the right to choose what I want to do. I do not want to be a voice - most certainly not anymore. I do not respect Canada as a nation. We are a Namby Pamby nation I want no part of.

Paul James

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