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Official Request for RCMP Investigation into the Paul James matter

Dear, The Right Honorable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,

Attorney General of Canada Jody Wilson-Raybould,

Conservative Party of Canada Andrew Scheer,

Green Party of Canada Leader Elizabeth May

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh,

Based on interactions yesterday, December 21, 2018 with two local Toronto persons following on from a decade of incremental infringement and abuse of my human right to live as a normal person I am hereby officially requesting today December 22, 2108 that the Canadian Parliament and Canadian Government through the RCMP initiate a complete thorough investigation into the Paul J James matter and life story with respect to the ongoing abuse and intimidation I have been receiving from within Canadian society which has caused extraordinary, unnecessary, yet deliberate carnage and damage to my life, myself as a person and those closest to me.

Yesterday's threatening interaction and manipulation of the communication I sent including being referenced as Paul the "Rat" James was in tandem with the outrageous Toronto Star libelous story on my life and life circumstances along with the ongoing "stigmatizing abuse" of Adam Vaughan and Bob Rae, as the final straws of indignity I am not prepared to accept. May I remind you, I enter yet another Xmas period of poverty and destitution as a consequence of non-resolution and/or delivered justice from plain and obvious extreme injustice.

I feel threatened and anxious from emails I received yesterday and all the years of abuse that have preceded this watershed moment, including confirmation that my human right for privacy has been obliterated. Therefore, once again, to repeat, for the umpteen time. I Paul J James have been harassed, discriminated against, intimidated, humiliated, defamed, slandered, ridiculed, threatened, spied upon, removed from employment, excommunicated from by working peers, ostracized, and stigmatized at a level of extreme depravity all stemming from the discrimination I faced at York University in 2008 and beyond and my subsequent fight to access fair social justice from this circumstance.

Obstruction of justice, deceit in judicial testimony, institutional collusion, deceit and manipulation of truth in general, media defamation and public slander continue and are ongoing. In most instances my diagnosed substance disability from 2008 is used as leverage/deflection away from the injustice of the issues and as a consequence the abuse of my human right to be treated as a normal person equally, fairly and with dignity and respect - along with appalling levels of infringement of my privacy - has been permitted to continue.

I am requesting complete transparency from all those involved who have deliberately set-about to harm my life circumstances and/or facilitated harm to take place (Obstructing Justice/Resolution) including but not limited to the following persons.

Mahmoud Shoukri (Past President York University) , Lorna Marsden (Past President York University), Harriet Lewis (Past General Counsel York University), Rhonda Lenton (Current President York University) , Rick Waugh (Former Chief of Governors of York University), Maureen Armstrong (Present General Counsel York University) , Jenn Myers (present Athletic Director York University) , Sheila Forshaw (Present Board of Governor York University), Bree Carr-Harris, Jamie Teixeira, Carmine Isacco (present Master Soccer Coach York University), Dwight Hornibrook, Chris Hornibrook, Malcolm Mercer, Lisa Constantine, Bob Rae, Adam Vaughan, Anne Marie Owens (National Post) Alexandra Sienkiewicz (CBC), Tom Harrington (CBC), Stephen Meurice (Canadian Press), Colin Perkel (Canadian Press), Mary Ormsby (Toronto Star), Terry Dunfield, Jason Devos, Andrew Oliveri, Pat Santini, Bobby Lenarduzzi, David Norman, Ben Massey, Gregor Young, Ben Ryecroft, Lee Godfrey, Richard Whittall, Kristen Jack, John Molinaro, Bill Ikos, Michael Barcelos, Chris Keem, JP Savage, Barry Swadron, Scott Weinstein, Randy Ragan, Jason Bogle, Barry Maclean, Tess Sheldon (ARCH), Sonja Cori, the Toronto Star, Canada Soccer Board of Directors, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario as it related to the James v York University human rights discrimination claim; HRTO as it relates to the James v Moordale Soccer club human rights discrimination matter, Justice Edwards the Divisional Court of Ontario, Eileen Gillese Ontario Court of Appeal, Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada - Beverley MacLachlin; Pasquale from the Supreme Court of Canada's administrative branch.

I remain living outside on a hunger strike protest as a consequence of the ongoing appalling abuse of my right to live free as a normal person irrespective of any mental health disability as protected under Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

I can no longer wrestle with metaphorical "pigs" and "chimney sweeps" in seeking justice and resolution and therefore in desperation I request the RCMP's immediate involvement in the matter.

It is a national and global disgrace that the Paul J James circumstance has been permitted to continue without correction. May I remind the Prime Minster and his opposition colleague Leader of the Conservative Party Andrew Scheer that both of you rather than intervene in the Paul James matter in June 2017 as I requested you knowingly elected to ignore the circumstance and instead made public statements with respect to substance addiction - gaining advantage from my own sacrifice, misery and potential ultimate demise. There can be no reason or justification at this time to not intervene into the Paul James matter with the utmost urgency.

Your sincerely,

Paul James

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