Message to ALL Canadian Political Leaders from Paul James

Dear, The Right Honorable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,
Attorney General of Canada Jody Wilson-Raybould,
Conservative Party of Canada Andrew Scheer,
Green Party of Canada Leader Elizabeth May
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh,
As you enjoy your Boxing Day festivities. I am curious. How do you expect the Canadian public to take any of the Canadian political party leaders seriously in this upcoming Election year, based on your handling of the Paul J James matter.
May I remind the Right Honorable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that in 2015 as a part of your platform speeches you stated among other things the following three things. To paraphrase:
A. All Canadians should have Faith and Trust in the Canadian Judicial system.....Really? As they say in England. You 'aving a laff!! Is it Okay then for persons to provide FALSE testimony as part of their strategy? For a conflict of interests to go unchecked? For the Canadian media to collude against a self-represented Applicant to hide the TRUTH of the matter? Is it okay for there to be manipulation of the facts and law at every conceivable turn? et al, et al, et al.....
B. Bad Politics is a curse to progress within Canadian society - we must work diligently to combat this. Really? Then how do you explain the performance of the Canadian Liberal Party of Canada in their handling of the Paul J James matter? James Maloney, Deborah Schulte, Adam Vaughan, Bob Rae, York University and others. The insults, the lies, the patronizing, the manipulation of the Truth, the extreme defamation of the Toronto Star, the National Post, the al, et al, et al.......
C. And to start to break through the undermining politics of others we need to be much more Transparent with what we do? Well then. You have so much Transparency in the Paul J James matter you could sink a fleet of battle ships with the overwhelming Truth of the matter. Yet you do nothing with it.....except hide it.....
And before the other political party leaders start doing cartwheels.
You are far worse than the Liberals. I gave you a "winner" and you've blown it. You used a top ten Stigmatizing Weapon to deal with the Paul J James matter. Ignore it. So. I say. Fire your strategists. Pray for some courage and start again.
As leaders of the opposition I assure you. You have absolutely no chance of winning the War on Drugs debate which has created such carnage. Best you can do is Bi-Partisanship and then hold the Liberals feet to fire for ALL they have done wrong. The selfishness of not pardoning those caught up in the unjust criminal element of possession of marijuana before concerning themselves about profit would be a good start. Then what about the social safety net for those susceptible to becoming dependent on substance use. Or what about combating Stigma? The invisible destructive barrier to true progress with improving the lives of those with substance disabilities.
With legalizing Marijuana the Liberals knocked it out of the park. There is no debate on it. You need to get over it. And focus on the next up to the plate Decriminalization which on an annual basis will save Canadians Billions once implemented properly. And then, like with Marijuana, Canada will be able to lead the world on the issue. Be the envy of others for the Progressive albeit far too late approach.
Finally, when Canadian soccer players or Canadian athletes represent Canada they do so with much pride.
You are ALL in privileged positions that are a loan to you from the Canadian public. Not permanent. You should therefore have great pride with what you do and how you go about your business. With that considered. You have failed me. My family. Ashley Kelly. My dog Max. Paul J James supporters around the world. And millions of other Canadians with how you have dealt with this matter. Aside from a thousand and one brutal stabs over the past two years, you ALL let me stay on the street for Xmas 2018. In my little nook on the Lakeshore Road.
Bring me to Parliament Hill and I will metaphorically sword fight you all on the issues surfaced from the Paul J James matter. Until then,
You ALL have a responsibility to get to the TRUTH. The TRUTH of the Paul J James matter. And so. Good luck in your Recovery from reading this. Stay well as you contemplate what to do with this Paul J James matter. Take one day at a time if you need to. But be Responsible. Stop enabling Injustice. Reach out to Higher Power to be blessed with Integrity if you need to. Or collectively hold hands in a church basement or boiler room - so as no one sees you - and pray for forgiveness of your sins and for enlightenment with moving forward.
Below are two links you should peruse Paul J James matter.
2. Link to Neal Page from Planes, Trains, and Automobiles played by Steve Martin. As he walks into the airport. Think of his subsequent dialogue as if it is Paul J James and millions of others talking to you....based on my experiences not just over the past two years but the past 9.