BLINK.....It is.....ALL About The Money

To Whom This Applies,
This Communication is for further TRANSPARENCY in the Paul J James order that when I die from Starvation the establishment, the Canadian media, Bob Rae, Mary Ormsby, Colin Perkel, the CBC, the Toronto Star, the National Post, the Liberal Government, Justin Trudeau, Canada Soccer, York University will not be able scapegoat Paul J James without accountability and the real TRUTH being available for those that be clear I really am ashamed to be living as a Canadian citizen and of ever representing the nation as a soccer player and coach....
I will NEVER conform to Complete Nonsense of which the industry in regards to substance disabilities is based on. Complete Nonsense. Ali G Stuff. FALSE and Corrupt ...and it is....because.... BLINK..... it is ALL About The Money...not what is correct, moral, ethical, human rights based...not on what is Right, Progressive, Dignified, Respectful....
If the Paul J James matter IS resolved within the next two weeks then I will move out of Canada and will never return.
While the nation houses some magnificent people and organizations it also has an establishment that has been shockingly and disgustingly depraved in its handling of the Paul J James matter. And it is still unrelenting.
And it is not their debut at behaving in such a manner.....
Specifically on the subject matter of substance disability the abusive behavior can be traced back to 1982 with the suppression of the findings of Dr Bruce Alexander...the consequences of which in the words of DR Bruce himself "obliterated" his outlook on life....And the immortality as a consequence in Canada has been going on for 40 years....
40 years Canada's establishment has suppressed the information on the magnificent DR Bruce Alexander who should have received the Order of Canada two decades ago......the consequences of which have been catastrophic the carnage unimaginable...and ALL because ??
It is ALL About The Money for the Canadian establishment....not humanity or caring about the real health and well being of its citizens...the medicalization of a health issue which is culturally and societal based in its formation, incubation and evolution....
Today March 28, 2019 a Police Officer from the Toronto Police contacted a PJJ supporter offering me assistance and help to get me "clean", off the street ....and to reform myself through a "criminalized focus group". The call to the supporter also mentioned that if I continue to copy mass emails to persons from the Toronto Star.....I can be charged with criminal harassment.....
Never Heard such Absolute Nonsense...well....I actually have throughout the past decade on the handling of the Paul J James matter.....
And so, any person who is copied or who receives the emails can BLOCK correspondences..... also any person can contact me directly as did PC SS a few weeks ago requesting they be removed from any future correspondences.
BLINK is a book written by ironically another magnificent Canadian, Malcolm Gladwell. BLINK is about getting to the CORE of the problem...why things are done.....statements are made.....
And so applying BLINK to the contact call from the Toronto Police Officer....the call was not - as the officer said - to care for the well being of Paul J James - IT WAS ONCE AGAIN to scapegoat the truth because again it is ALL About The Money. The oppressors including the Toronto Star are trying to wrestle some kind of advantage by creating wine from water diminishing their responsibility and financial culpability from the brutality of what they did and continue to do with keeping the article online.
If oppressors cared about the well being of Paul J James then ALL they would have had to do was simply admit to the TRUTH a decade ago or at a bare minimum 2 years ago; they would not have let me endure such pain and humiliation of ten hunger strike protests; they would not scapegoat incessantly mental illness, disease...are you clean et al...they are desperate and with their power they can so easily engage in corruptness...POWER Cultivates Corruption and as this current episode illuminates it is unrelenting.....
The Toronto Police call is preparing the narrative when the matter is brought to an end as they have no intention of resolving the matter to the benefit of ALL Canadians.....
I insisted the supporter let me speak to the Officer which I did a few hours ago. I opened by stating that I have no issues with any TPS officer - my impression is that they are doing an excellent job from what I have observed since the Forcello incident. Certainly in my own circumstance they have been respectful and dignified in their one on one communications.
The Toronto Police Officer was being used as the Cats Paw - doing the biding of others - to prepare for when my life that the oppressors can state once again ...well we tried, we tried to get him back on his feet, hes a drug addict, a crack cocaine addict that needed to get clean....hes irrational et al,...they are trying to cover their back sides.....again...its what Cowards do.
The officer was very nice. I turned down the offer of attending a focus group...stating they could offer me nothing, i do not need accommodation, social assistance, disability payments, rehab, or counselling or mediation coaching on absolute nonsense...I could however give them all some serious in need of counselling on what this is all about
The Police Officer was very respectful....perhaps not aware he is being used as a puppet...because he has limited information....
I ended the call by requesting the Police Officer go back to the Toronto Star, Bob Rae, York University, Canada Soccer, the Liberal Government, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and all other oppressors and inform them that as a consequence of this latest play....i will refrain from consuming any thing more than 100 calories which is a coffee with cream a day....I currently weigh 136 lbs...the pain getting to this level is indescribable...on Sunday I will go and train an U16 soccer team which will be videotaped and will be streamed/released...I will do so just wearing T-Shirt and shorts....and at the end I will go back to the Park where I will once again call home....
Enough messing around....lets get this thing over.....