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Schedule for Hunger Protest at Parliament Hill

Hunger Strike Starvation Protest

Paul J James


York University

Supreme Court of Canada

Canadian Parliament

Start Date: 12.01 am, August 28, 2019

Location As of: 8.00 am Sept. 1, 2019 Parliament Gates on Wellington Street, Ottawa


Will ingest no calories - just water for first 4 days

Will ingest sodium - from day five onward through broth soup - not exceeding 100 calories

Will suck on a wine gum or piece of bread when physical pain needs quelling

A person will be with me at ALL times. In the event of medical emergency stationed person will request assistance. While I will accept assistance it will be for human dignity away from location not for there to be added sustenance in regards to calories which I do not and will not permit.

Canadian Media

Knowing the enormous harm which has already been delivered it is not prudent at this stage for Paul J James to answer questions from the Canadian media without legal representation. Therefore, instead, a video tape statement will be released each day at 2 pm beginning September 1, 2019 onward's including weight confirmation.

Prior to August 28 Paul J James will release a series of blogs which will address the pertinent questions; poignancy and seriousness of this matter for millions of Canadian and global citizens and their families.

The Globe and Mail featured a story dated Monday August 19, 2019 concerning Carson Crimeni which should be read by all stakeholders including every Canadian citizen.

Legal Representation

Paul J James does recognize and respect the Honorable Supreme Court of Canada is Canada's most esteemed institution and therefore as as a non-lawyer (rather self-represented) it is complex to bridge the gap to accessing fair social justice for those who are so disadvantaged. The dilemma this presents the Honorable court and the legal profession itself however, is now outside the wicket of Paul J James to resolve or to find a solution.

Dr Jordan Peterson

I feel an Order of Canada lurking for the esteemed brilliant academic and all that he is and represents.

It is not for Paul J James to show any more humility with this human rights circumstance however. A fleet of battleships could be sunk on the level of humiliation fended off through this process.

In the Paul J James matter I request to Dr Jordan Peterson to "walk the talk" on his own medicine by showing humility himself in confirming his willingness to debate, "a nobody in comparison", on a social phenomenon of such enormous importance. Confirmation alone will not lead to my ending the hunger strike protest. It would however garner respect and dignity for the final furlong of this contribution to "Ending the War on People", irrespective of the final outcome in my own regard.

Three fundamental macro-societal reasons for the hunger strike social protest are to confirm:

Canada as a distinguished democratic society who proudly promote around the world, we are a nation which "respects the human rights of all its citizens" must now "walk the talk". Justice served in the James vs York University discrimination claim will impact ALL Canadian citizens profoundly and positively. Failure to do so will merely establish Canada is a gutless, hypocritical nation, so insecure we cannot see what our real strengths can be and where the real opportunities lie to be respected internationally at an unprecedented level.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms cannot pick and choose when the Charter is applied. To date Section 15 with regard to: "Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability" has not been applied even though substance use disorders are categorized unequivocally as mental disabilities. This imprudence by the political and judicial systems to not enforce the rule of law through the good faith application of the Canadian charter with regard to mental disability in the form of substance disabilities has cost millions of Canadians their lives and unimaginable human suffering for far, far too long.

To establish and give reason why ALL Canadian citizens can and should have faith in the Canadian judicial system and process.


Supreme Court of Canada permit fair review and correction expeditiously for the delivered social injustice in the James vs York University Human Rights discrimination matter Docket Number (#36795)

Full repair to the reputation of Paul J James through the Canadian media including immediate resolution of the defamation and malice of the Toronto Star article dated September 8, 2019; the National Post piece dated June 26, 2015; the CBC article formulated in bad faith dated January 2017.

Canadian Parliament agree to discuss Mental Health in the form of substance dependence/addiction as a Bipartisan issue beginning with discussion on "ratifying decriminalization" of all substances - defacto already in place - along with the priority of protecting the human rights of all its citizens including those whom have been diagnosed with substance use disorders.

Official confirmation of debate to take place at the University of Toronto between Dr Jordan Peterson and Paul J James. Applying some or ALL of Dr Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules of Life under the following title:

Living with Drugs in a Better Way

"reconciling the stigma associated with substance use,

substance issues, and substance disabilities"

All proceeds of event to be donated to those less advantaged.


Day One

12.01 am Wednesday August 28, 2019

Day Two

12.01 am Thursday August 29, 2019

Day Three

12.01 am Friday August 30, 2019

Day Four

12.01 am Saturday August 31, 2019

Day Five

12.01 am Sunday September 1, 2019

8.00 am Arrive at Parliament Gates on Wellington Street, Ottawa

6.00 pm Depart Parliament Gates on Wellington Street, Ottawa

Day Six

12.01 am Monday September 2, 2019

8.00 am Arrive at Parliament Gates on Wellington Street, Ottawa

6.00 pm Depart Parliament Gates on Wellington Street, Ottawa

Day Seven

12.01 am Tuesday September 3, 2019

8.00 am Arrive at Parliament Gates on Wellington Street, Ottawa

6.00 pm Depart Parliament Gates on Wellington Street, Ottawa

Day Eight

12.01 am Wednesday September 4, 2019

8.00 am Arrive at Parliament Gates on Wellington Street, Ottawa

6.00 pm Depart Parliament Gates on Wellington Street, Ottawa

Day Nine

12.01 am Thursday September 5, 2019

8.00 am Arrive at Parliament Gates on Wellington Street, Ottawa

6.00 pm Depart Parliament Gates on Wellington Street, Ottawa

Day Ten

12.01 am Friday September 6, 2019

8.00 am Arrive at Parliament Gates on Wellington Street, Ottawa

6.00 pm Depart Parliament Gates on Wellington Street, Ottawa

Hunger Strike will Continue until it is ended through resolution or ultimate demise of Paul J James. This is no test run. No fluctuations in calorie intake. This is real life in public. Do not underestimate the conviction. I am not willing to do this again. It is all I have.

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