Corona-virus, Dear Bob Rae, Disability Payments, Scapegoating Hunger Strikes, Renouncing Citizenship

March 13, 2020 2.32am
Tightly pinned to Westminster Cathedral. I feel a presence around me. Open one eye and see the back of a Samaritan who had just delivered a food parcel full to the brim. It sits atop my bag.
Email to Kevin Tierney.
"Hey Kevin,
Hope you're doing well.
It's 2.45am....can't sleep....sore from the concrete..... headset stolen.....not feeling well. Aside from that doing good. Can you check where 2018 YouTube video is please? Thx".
Sleepless I think about being so thin; feeling unwell. Three layers of borrowed clothes and still shivering. Sudden contemplation about Corona-virus.
Homeless the greatest incubators of all. Impossible for that not to be the case seeing the filth first hand.
Virus. Pay back to Capitalism. Remarkable no one comments on the potential deliberateness of it all. Global warfare: Hybrid Communism vs Pure Capitalism in the modern era. Literally a sick world in transition.
Surfing in and out of sleep the eventual rattle of the church doors wake me....eyes open. I begin decluttering what to write in a second note to Bob Rae. Which illustrations of brutality do I record now? View clock it's 6.15am. I rise scrunch my sleeping bag into satchel and deliver the food gift to another fraternity member sleeping outside.
8am. Join line of the many homeless of Westminster, London leading to the Passage Center. Once inside the church funded facility, I sleep on wooden floor for three hours. Grab soup, rice and a little meat the latter of which, with military precision, causes pain. Visit washroom. Shower. Leave the Passage Center. Walk to another meeting place of the homeless - the library.
I figure setting myself a light is back on the table. The last time I suggested that to Kevin he commented, "Well you better do it properly. You wouldn't want to live with the consequences of failing that!"
Dear Bob Rae,
Here is a follow up to yesterdays email.
Perhaps you could clarify.
Why is it that a non qualified lawyer knows that the James vs York University file can, should and must go back to the Supreme Court of Canada when you yourself as a Rhodes Scholar and pedigreed Lawyer did not take it there, in January 2018?
Tough for you to now change course and do so. That would officially make you the most significant hypocrite and proprietor of damage delivered over the past 27 months. It would take guts though to admit to the impropriety, the lies, the scapegoating, significant lack of care and delivery of so much harm. Especially being as you are a pronounced and dedicated humanitarian.
I hold out no hope of any such thing.
The corrupted decision will however stand the test of time.
Disability Payments
As will your decision to decline providing support for retrieval of disability payments in order that those persons who contributed to PJJ can receive their monies back from me.
The purpose for going to a lawyer is that I responsibly cannot answer questions on the disability forms which are highly discriminatory and prejudicial and therefore a wrinkle which needs to be resolved in the application process through a lawyer. Also I would like the process expedited to as soon as possible and with good reason.
Worth a reminder. My circumstances today are not because of my substance disability but the reaction to the substance disability.
It also identifies, again, why the Supreme Court of Canada need to recognize the systemic stigma associated with substance disabilities the truth of which has not filtered down to Canadian society. The legislature and laws with regard to substances are misaligned the mess of which delivers chaos and life carnage to too many citizens. How for example, can it not be illegal to be diagnosed with a substance dependence/disability but illegal to be in possession of that substance.
Substance disabilities are human conditions requiring human rights protection of the courts to prevent such appalling abuse delivered over the past decade from happening again.
Since 2010 I have applied for over a hundred positions with not an email in response including a dish washing job. Erin Mills, North Mississauga, Oakville, Ajax each rejected my request to conduct training sessions.
John Pugh a Canada Soccer Board of Director I spoke to in 2014. Before applying for a position at the Ottawa Fury SC he owned, John assured me the club would communicate directly once I had. They never did. Ditto other positions, et al. etc, etc. The one coaching job I did get - U12 Boys - lasted six weeks before I received a text: note to self, never hire a crack head for not playing the managers son enough minutes. Of course you have heard all this before. It is worth repeating however, in light of your comments to Peyvand and unwillingness to behave honourably in this matter for the greater good and now, for so long.
Scapegoating Hunger Strikes
Only once I embarked on hunger strike protests did I receive some part time soccer coaching work - again at lower levels. But then you and your many collaborators and friends pitched/scapegoated the Paul J James hunger strike protests as mental illness. And you were unrelenting with it for the benefit of York University and the Canadian Establishment not the greater good or the well being of PJJ or even just what the right thing was to do. You sat back and watched such pain, suffering and humiliation with clear knowledge that if I did ultimately succumb you would scapegoat. You see the sickness.
Your coercion in this regard developed to the point I executed a suicide ruse to prove hunger strike protests are legitimate choices to protest social injustices - and are not mental illnesses.
Through the process and aftermath of this personal Ruse I received an email from a supporter whom had been contacted by my father and sister, themselves using email. Oblivious to the Ruse - just believing I would not exist - my family elected not to be compassionate but instead to condemn me as a person, stating I don't respect anyone in Canada, making themselves out as victims and most telling, stating I had chastised Bob Rae when you supposedly advised me to seek mental help assistance. Of course you never did but in the event I had ended my life you were off the hook.
Quite the display of covering ones backside. Over a life time I have never experienced such a single act of selfishness - self preservation. No wonder I can talk with such authority when I say Canada is a million miles away from solving it's mental health and homelessness crisis.
Of course I did passionately speak to you in the presence of Kevin Tierney back in August of 2018. That was three days after Mike Young had disingenuously informed me that three separate persons in one day had contacted him stating Paul J James was a crack addict, a loser and to stay well away.
In our subsequent meeting a few days later you carelessly 'confirmed" it was Mike Young and you, Bob Rae, who had orchestrated the plot to intimidate me and coercively control not delivering justice.
Of course while I knew it was you at the time I had no tangible hard evidence to present. That would eventually be provided by Mikes verbal comments and then actions including written statements during the TSN debacle - because I didn't agree to being stereotyped and bullied through the videos writing.
Kelly Kidwell then confirmed further, your relationship with them - stating among other things I needed to compromise. I didn't realize we were in the negotiation stage nor should anyone compromise on untruths on a matter of such immense global significance.
You recruited your minions. Some contributed donations but some unfortunately had an agenda, to mitigate or obstruct. Some used stigmatizing tactics when they couldn't get their way and in other instances such persons hung the issue over my head.
The reality is that you, Bob Rae, on behalf of the Liberal government - an extension of York University - cukooed the relationship I sought and developed with Mike Young and Kelly Kidwell from California in January 2017.
A brutus back stab from both eventually resulted as the Canadian government prepared to fund a documentary on the PJJ story through Mike Young, which would have guaranteed it's pollution from the truth. I declined any such agreement.
Instead I walked 400 km's in ten days Toronto to Ottawa. Then the TSN opportunity surfaced only for it to be a dirty mitigating deed stereotyping through plain and obvious writings that the reason PJJ was homeless was because of crack cocaine use. A brutality. No. I became homeless because of York University's discrimination and non correction of the matter along with their many collaborators -including you your self - obstructing justice from being served. Tied in with the atrocious behaviour of the Canadian Judicial system in the Mooredale Soccer Club matter, in again not correcting the plain and obvious injustice; along with 100 jobs applied for et al - that is what led to homelessness.
Bob Rae, you did not have the greater good as a priority, nor did you have the best interests of Paul J James in mind at all in this matter. If you did you would have asked questions - including the right ones. You never did.
You should have been so offended by what you had read and knew to be true it should have ignited you to resolve the matter immediately. You didn't.
Substance disabilities at any level are horrible enough, without stigma. Factoring in the brutality and ruthlessness of stigma however, along with the decade long abuse of the Canadian system and it really is a miracle I am still alive. Albeit barely.
So the next time you contemplate stating publicly that ,"You did all you could for Paul J James or you did not mean to harm Paul J James, well, you need to think again.
How about you assist in Renouncing the Canadian citizenship of Paul J that, at this stage, I would respect.
Paul J James.