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Starvation;;. SCC Affidavit and Ten Page Statement of Argument


Starvation is continuing but I am not at the edge of a cliff. Hence no video. Out of options and so I will get there soon. My flat is approximately 400 yards from the front door of a hospital. It you wonder why it takes so long try not eating a morsel for ten days starting from thin to begin. You'll get the idea.



Was not planning any further communications but this link arrived today in my inbox.

If you scroll down you will see a 22 minute interview with Dr Judy Mikovits. It is worth watching until the end. And it's relevant to today's crisis

Most people will not take the time to review the information for similar reasons most people do not read what is written anywhere. Yet most people have strong opinions on contentious subject matters, if not, on every thing else.

If you check on Wikipedia Dr Judy Mikovits is now described as a conspiracy theorist. Those changes to her narrative were made yesterday by others trying to stitch a false reality. Other Video interviews of Dr Judy Mikovits - with millions of views - have been taken down from YouTube by YouTube under pressure from the power of the pharmaceutical industry and politicians caught out.

Dr Judy Mikovits rather than being a conspiracy theorist has immense validity on the Coronavirus - Covid19 pandemic.

Alarmingly, she outlines the collusion, corruption and greed of the system covering up truth.

Many of the comments and statements made are relevant to the Paul J James matter just as the 2 hour Hillsborough Disaster documentary cross-pollinated uncanny similarities of deliberate injustices; abuse of power from the establishment class including the controlled main stream media.

Living in Canada or elsewhere you will recognise that the following link outlining the Hillsborough Disaster documentary itself is unavailable to you.

After being available for over three years within 24 hours of its delivery from I to Bob Rae - oppressor working for York University and the Liberal Government of Canada - it was taken down for public viewership. Not because the documentary lost its compelling nature but again because of the powerful threads of deceit, collusion and obstruction of justice which replicate themselves in the Paul J James case.

Meanwhile, CTSODA website videos have corrupted viewing numbers most specifically from September 2018 when YouTube kept resetting the counter clock to zero once it reached 11,000 views. Overall 50,000 views was turned into 1400 as the starvation mission was scapegoated onto suicide by the Canadian oppressors of justice.

The pandemic as devastating as it has been does have the opportunity to mend much of what threatens civilization Including bridging the inequality gap, homelessness, and all health care segments.

The main problem however, gleaned from navigating through the past ten years of deceit, manipulation and corruption of the Canadian system is that of greed, selfishness and psychopathy.

No social, economic system or any amount of advocacy can overcome the innate triumphant traits of those in positions of power.


Supreme Court of Canada Affidavit

& Ten Page Statement of Argument

Over the coming days, the 2016, seventy eight page Affidavit and ten page Statement of Argument from Paul J James sent to the Supreme Court of Canada in the James vs York University human rights discrimination claim, will be posted on the CTSODA website as permanent fixtures.

Careful reading of the documents alone highlight not only the egregious social injustice delivered onto one Canadian citizen but also the abuse of one persons civil liberties and human.right to live freely.

With consideration that York University blatantly lied in their Canadian Judicial submissions along with the collusion of the system in protecting and covering up the LIES it substantiates that Canada is not a just, free society but rather a nation with the potential and willful commitment to be as corrupt, colluded and evil as any other nation on the planet.

If you require any further detail then read Parts One, Two an Three (Section's 1&2) of a comprehensive letter sent to the Supreme Court of Canada in the summer of 2019. Available on the CTSODA website.

Of course these documents have been disseminated before and the website links have been available for years but most people have not read them. Just saying

Paul J James

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