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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: Chief Justice SCC Robert Wagner; Past Chief SCC Justice Beverly Macla

Dear The Right Honourable Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau; The Honourable Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada: Robert Wagner;. Past Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada: Ms. Beverley Maclachlin.


Initial Requests

1. Paul J James is requesting an end to the "stigmatization prison sentence" which has condemned his life to incremental ostracization and poverty for 12 years since he first opened up seeking mental health assistance in 2008. The consequential discrimination, prejudice, oppression, and stigmatization including throughout the Canadian Judicial process has been paralyzing, ruinous and dehumanising.

2. Paul J James is also requesting the Canadian Government, Canadian Parliament and Canadian Judicial system self-report, initiate and process an RCMP investigation into the Canadian life of Paul J James and in particular those persons and institutions who have deliberately delivered such unnecessary harm including where applicable persons/institutions on this correspondence.

White Privilege/Archie Williams

"He spent 36 hours behind bars. A Fingerprint database Cleared Him in Hours". NYT

That was in 2019.

Archie Williams an African American citizen could have been released in 1999. All the system needed to do was process the finger prints. They didn't.

Would a white man have suffered the same fate? A white man of privilege? Would a white man be convicted in the first place?

Do citizens in Canada get wrongly convicted prison sentences?

Happened in the James vs York University case. Not a physical prison but a societal prison delivering extreme unnecessary psychological distress, torture, marginalization and oppression with no off ramp.

The original cause of injustice in the Williams case and the original LIE in the Paul J James claim were bad enough but what is far worse and far more malevolent was the subsequent non correction and pulverising delay by those who could have made the change, corrected the injustice and resolved the matter. Such unnecessary suffering.

Stigmatization Prison

Archie Williams has clearly suffered more. But now he is free. So free in fact, he is top candidate to win America's Got Talent. If however, justice was NOT served and Archie served out his sentence and was then released, would he be free?

Or stigmatized and marginalized the rest of his life? Would he be a winning contestant on America's Got Talent?

When This Was Us - a Netflix documentary narration of the wrongful conviction of five African American teens in the Central Park rape and murder of a female, highlights life after prison those previously yet wrongfully convicted It was still a prison they were subjected to - a different kind but still punishing and ostracizing. STIGMATIZED by society, all and sundry and themselves leading to severe restrictions, impediments and poor health.

Paul J James and millions passed and present - not attached to white privilege - have been condemned to Stigmatization Prisons for too long simply because of a substance use issue. The Paul J James story gives a compelling, harrowing and poignant account of what it is to be stigmatized because of exposed substance use.

If I live out my life till 80 - another 25 year prison sentence awaits - it will equal Archie Williams.

Will be poor and marginalized for the rest of my life. Patronized, ridiculed, prejudiced and discriminated against. How do I know? Look at the past 12 years since 2008. Is my position today better or worse?

Far worse with no outlet to get better. And the unrelenting scapegoating of any perceived issue by York University and oppressors remains unrelenting. Cannot get employed even on a fruit farm in the UK.

Those citizens who say to move on with life are either ignorant or malevolent. Stigma. Ignorance, Malevolence or a Nexus of both.

All the evidence you need in order to review my the appalling injustice - including from your own institutions - is collated in the Paul J James matter. See attached documents for part of the narrative.

Politicians and Judiciary's are responsible for reprehensible misguidance to societies spanning decades.

For Archie Williams to be so accommodating with forgiveness. Well apparently he is a better man than I. But also an unwitting friend of a smiling Machiavelli from the other side and an unwitting impediment to progress as his graciousness permits it to happen again.

Complete Transparency

Attachments to this communication include documents from the James vs York University and James vs Mooredale Soccer Club human rights discrimination claims along with a 150 page report titled, Anatomy of An Absolute Nightmare.

James vs York University

James vs Mooredale Soccer Club

In addition please note and peruse the following website which includes a three part letter of appeal to the honourable court in the summer of 2019:

Part One of Letter

Part Two of Letter

Part Three of Letter section one

Part Three of Letter section two


Copied to this communication include the following citizens.

From the Canadian media:

CBC: Tom Harrington, Mark Kelly, Adrienne Arsenault, Adam Miller.

Canadian Press: Neil Davidson and Colin Perkel;

The Toronto Star: Mary Ormsby

Globe & Mail: Andre Picard and Cathal Kelly

TSN: Matthew Scianetti

Sportsnet: James Sharman, Michael Grange, Stephen Brunt

From the RCMP

From York University:

Past President Lorna Marsden

Past President Mahmoud Shoukri

Current President. Rhonda Lenton

General Counsel: Maureen Armstrong

Athletic Director:. Jenn Myers

Master Soccer Coach:. Carmine Isacco

Associate to Rick Waugh:. JP Savage

From Canada Soccer:

President: Steven Reed

Past President:. Victor Montagliani

General Secretary:. Peter Montopoli

Legal Counsel: Pat Santini

Board Member: John Pugh

Mental Health Industry

President CAMH: Catharine Zahn

Social Worker,: Sheldon Parchment

Chair "Let's Talk': Dr Heather Stuart

Speaker Addiction Dr Gabor Mate

Addiction Research Dr Bruce Alexander:


Lawyer: Bob Rae

Lawyer:. Martin Monte

Lawyer:. Kellie Mildren

Liberal MP

Adam Vaughan

Many Others Have Been Blind Copied


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