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Contravening Human Rights - Hanging myself From the Rafters - Stigma is not just a Word - 47 or 100

The Right Honourable Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau

The Honourable Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada: Richard Wagner

Past Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada: Ms. Beverley Maclachlin.


Contravening Human Rights

1. June 1, 2020 call from a farmer in Lincolnshire courtesy of a Rick Basnet connection. "Paul we have a position available now. I have given our HR people your information. They will get back to you later today. Look forward to meeting you". They never did. They never do.

2. The Human Rights of Paul J James have been contravened at every level of Canadian society and now elsewhere.

3. With deepest respect to your positions of leadership there is no legitimate reason for the Paul J James matter to not be resolved immediately. You have no excuse for not doing so that would not be corrupt or colluded. Therefore I request you do so without impediment or per previous requests. You cannot pick and choose when to deliver protocol issues.

4. With ALL that is available within the Judiciary and what has been disseminated to you through this emailing process it is beyond diabolical that you have sat back and avoided your plain and obvious responsibility. In doing so you have optically proven the Canadian Legal system can, not only be rigged but also corrupt. A Bentley - Cayman Island system.

5. Prime Minister, while you were elegant in your speech recently, giving the overall impression that you are a nice man, you are still the leader of a country in crisis both visual and those hidden. You along with the honourable court have deliberately failed in the Paul J James matter. You have let a citizen suffer so unnecessarily to the point you would let him die rather than correct such plain and obvious injustice.

6. This is not - as you say - about the social/judicial systems changing which is the main problem. It is about the human beings who control the systems. The people who make the decisions. Write columns in newspapers. Write Judicial rationales. Who lie. Cheat. Cover-up. Who excommunicate, discriminate. Who stignatize. Who purposely delay justice knowing it is ruining a persons life. Institutional systemic stigmatization dysfunction delivered by human beings. It is about the attitude of the people. It always is.

7. Hockey, basketball and soccer all have systems to play. But if the players and staff coaches chosen are unethical, dishonest, and cheats you have failure problems. If you do not correct you no longer coach. There is a system of accountability which is not rigged. Canada Soccer, York University, the Canadian Judiciary and the Canadian media have serious leadership, morality and ethical issues. That truth is a byproduct of the Paul J James matter.

8. Racism is not the main social issue which exists in Canada or elsewhere. It is the expanding poverty class juxtaposed with the Caucasian man with wealth and power. The widening inequality gap littered with the consequential poor mental health and substance issues. While racism still exists it is most chronic, visual and representative, proportional to poverty. Racism as a whole is far along the barometer of improvement when compared to persons in oppressed substance use groups or poor mental health. Such oppressions are not even on the scale of improvement. The Paul J James human rights matter proves the statement unequivocally. Like beating a slave you have forced degradation in covering up truth, fairness and justice. You point fingers at Saudi Arabia and the Philippines but through stealth actions you do the same in your own country

9 How anyone could have sat back and done nothing to resolve the Paul J James matter will stand the test of time as highly immoral, once the current retiring class fall off the conveyor belt of life and can no longer manipulate and corrupt.

10. The following link is the Joe Rogan interview with Edward Snowdon. The first hour reveals the realities which have taken place in the PJJ matter. And it is unequivocal. It is why I request an RCMP investigation.into the Paul J James matter.

11. Extraordinary Abuse of Power including by-passing a citizens right to Privacy even though authority figures know it is criminal behaviour they are participating in when they infringe on such rights. Intimidation aimed at ruination of a person's life to protect power, wealth and the status quo. And you act as if it is normalised behaviour.

12.. Holding mental health issues over a persons head is cruel and torturous. It is also discriminatory when in an employment environment. My two York University assistant coaches did just that in 2008/09 like they had a guillotine. A decade later and no different with Bob Rae, Colin Perkel, Liberal MP's, York University, Canada Soccer and Canadian media. It has been disgusting. Dehumanising.

13.. But do not take my word for it, ask them ALL. Get the RCMP on it. Be brave.

14. Ask Bree Carr Harris and Jamie Teixeira if they both excommunicated with my family and I in the fall of 2008 trying to force me into REHAB when they knew I had two weeks of work commitments to complete before I could do so - including TV work with World Cup FIFA superstar Christine Sinclair. They both excommunicated for selfish reasons - then lied in Judicial submissions. My parents even called and begged them not to be so cruel. Can you not grasp the humiliation of that nor alone I have to still write about it 8 years later.

15. Bree and Janie's rationale in 2008 for excommunicating was because I was going to die. Three years later in the 2012 York University submissions they testified they didn't know things were that bad, everything was stabilized. Again, do not take my word for it. Ask them. Did they lie in York University submissions. Yes or no? They are cc'd to this communication. Look at York University submissions and compare.

16. The following persons - not limited to - have all lied and/or obstructed justice in some form on behalf of York University.

Bob Rae - Adam Vaughan - Maureen Armstrong. - JP Savage - Colin Perkel - Mahmoud Shoukri - Mary Ormsby - Canada Soccer - Pat Santini - Peter Montopoli - Steven Reed - Jenn Myers - Graham Brown - Bree Carr Harris - Jamie Teixeira - Anne Marie Owens - Bobby Lenarduzzi - Barry Swadron - Randy Ragan - Malcolm Mercer - Tess Sheldon - Gillian McCullough - HRTO - Divisional Court of Ontario - Ontario Court of Appeal - CBC - Excalibur York University student newspaper - Alexandra Sienkiewicz - Rick Waugh - Harriet Lewis - Susan Silversides.- Sonya Cori Missio - Barry MacLean - Lorna Marsden - Mahmoud Shoukri - Rhonda Lenton - Nick Bontis - Sheldon Parchment - Catherine Zahn - Toronto Star - National Post.

17. When PJJ joined York University as the master soccer coach they were moribund. When constructively dismissed 6 years later they were a national caliber intercollegiate soccer program. The Paul J James matter was not complicated. The discrimination overwhelming. The coverup and corruption of the system even more so.

18 This was not a rape or murder case or Apartheid or a billion dollar class action lawsuit. Nor was it the separation of lands. It was not a terrorism plot or racial abuse.

19. It was a straight forward employment discrimination matter which gets put in same kangaroo court that solves and intervenes on such gender equity issues as equality of tennis scheduling at local Toronto tennis facilities, where females are not permitted the same amount of practice hours.

20. The Canadian Judicial system and immoral character of York University, Canada Soccer, Canadian media and a growing list of people - quarter backed by "evil intent" - have made a mockery of mental health and fair access to social justice. Ruining citizens lives is a flippant, passing thought.

21. Paul J James ceases to exist, then the evil scapegoating wildcard is played - the Crackhead one.


Hanging from the Rafters

22 If Paul J James were to hang himself tonight from the light fixture what would be the reason?

Isolation, uncertainty, acute stress disorder, starvation, humiliation, stigmatization, homelessness or the fact homelessness is scapegoated onto mental health and substance use? Or the accumulative harm of being ignored, defamed, slandered and intimidated for so long? The complete dehumanisation of a citizen? York University, Bob Rae, Colin Perkel, Adam Vaughan, Mary Ormsby,, David Norman, Gregor Young, John Pugh, Jason Devos, Malcolm Mercer....Lisa Constantine, Bree Carr Harris, Jamie Teixeira, Jenn Myers etc, et al.

23 How would the Canadian media, the Liberal Party of Canada, Canada Soccer, York University the Canadian Judicial process and those individual oppressors, justify or react? What would they say? Or would there just be relief?

24. Would Bree Carr Harris stay mute or would she admit to her excommunications in November 2008 and June 2009 betraying the confidence she had received from my sister and I. Dr Bruce Alexander is copied to this email. A reference point on the impact of excommunication and isolation on such mental health matters.

25. Would the Jenn Myers LIE have more profound meaning?. Would Bob Rae and the Liberal Party of Canada be investigated for the unlawful abuse of the privacy and human rights of Paul J James?

26. Would Lorna Marsden - the same age as my father - recognize the futility of life knowing her lifetime of work and dedication into sociology eventually led to such institutionalised unscrupulous decisions on a human rights issue so profound. No humility, wisdom and morality.

27 Would Canada Soccer finally expend the services of Jason Devos and Andrew Oliveri for their unlawfulness, skulduggery, stigmatization, defamation and slander of Paul J James.

28. Would CBC report truthfully on the circumstance or would the President - an alumnus of McCarthy Tretault - York University counsel - flex his muscles again through ongoing cover-up?

29. Do not take my word for it ask Alexandra Sienkiewicz from CBC who wrote a defamed piece in January 2017 manipulating completely the purpose of the hunger strike. She labelled me as a twenty year Crack Cocaine addict. That misinformation erroneously equates to first time use of Crack Cocaine and Ala Kazaam you are a Crack Cocaine Addict. Plus she adds the bonus through CBC that I am Crack Cocaine addict some twenty years later also. Can you not see how offensive that is to assume and write in such a willfully ignorant discriminatory way? How would that have helped with employment. Stigmatization. Self Stigma? Then she manipulates the whole reason I couldn't work at York University was because of the stress of coaching. As if a life time of high level coaching in back to the wall David vs Goliath scenarios was going to be tripped up by the "stress" of coaching a female intercollegiate team which had already won championships. The stress disorder in my health files was from the stigma of using a socially constructed forbidden substance and keeping it private. That, along with incremental unresolved stressors of life were the inconvenient truths for the CBC reporter. NOT being able to coach soccer has been an immense stressor in my life, not the other way around. She didn't wait to read the SCC AFFIDAVIT which I requested she did. She played the agenda of York University and so did CBC. It is an illustration of why the world is so sick. I was on hunger strike after seven years of hell on earth and all York University and the power and wealth do is abuse, shame, stigmatize and cover-up.

The world is in an absolute mess.

30. Would any media outlet report on the institutional improprieties post hanging?

31 Mary Ormsby from the Toronto Star? Would she flood crocodile tears or sip champagne. Ask Mary Ormsby why on the day of the release of the 2018 Toronto Star article when I requested she take it down she could be do rude. She slammed down the phone with, "don't go there". With consideration of the intent and purpose of the previous three weeks of interviewing it is Mary and other oppressors who, quite frankly, have serious psychological issues.

32. Would there be an investigation from the RCMP into the lives of David Norman, Jason Devos, Sven Habermann, Gregor Young, Terry Dunfield, Anthony Torterrra,. Lee Godfrey, John Molinaro, Canada Soccer or the Score Media?

33. Would Malcolm Mercer begin serving a prison sentence for orchestrating such colluded malevolence on behalf of York University and the Canadian system?

34. Would the Supreme Court of Canada finally admit to their indiscretions?

35. Would the Ottawa monument and memorial to the Past Chief Justice Beverley Maclachlin be questioned on legitimacy and removed. Bob Rae's Order of Canada?

36. Would Canada Soccer reflect they should have handled the matter in a better way for a myriad of human rights reasons. Will they reflect on some of the colossal, bad decisions they have made over the decades. With the poor handling of Dale Mitchell and Iain Bridge two Canadian legends; the misplaced careless hiring of Tony Taylor juxtaposed with the catastrophic NON-hiring of Bruce Twamley in 2004?

37. Would someone investigate Sonja Cori Missio whom contacted PJJ out of the blue, and offered to nominate Paul for a Stigma award from CAMH. When I said no she reminded me she was a health records investigator clearly as an intimidation tactic. It was disgusting - delivered by McCarthy Tretault.

38. Or what about Maureen Armstrong the general counsel at York University who in a bad faith resolution attempt, met with three supporters on the premise prior legal case work on the subject matter would not be discussed. Yet that's exactly what she did without my presence. York's settlement offer was to pay for PJJ to go to rehab. Total abuse of power. And the cherry on the top for such evilness was her request I give permission for her to share my personal file. Nothing in my personal file but if I say yes or no it gets used against me. I say no. Six months later she brings it up that she tried but Paul wouldn't open up his personal file proving York University as an institution should be closed down. They even corrupted the Excalibur student newspaper into muddying the truth. More than willing to open up my personal file to the Supreme Court of Canada and the RCMP and juxtapose it with the personal files of all those oppressors.

39. The answer is if I hang myself there would be nothing but a tidbit and it would be anything but truthful. Littered with scapegoating evil. Because that is what it is to live in Canada in 2020. A dishonest nation run by Machiavelli in all the important areas. Weak. Too many cheats. Too many cowards. Too much back stabbing. More corrupt than ever. Dripping in jealousy - frothing at the mouth all too often. When you do not correct inappropriate behaviours you permit and empower them to happen again. Inconvenient Truths.

40. Canada has a serious moral character problem. Ethical issues. Nobody wants to take responsibility for anything. And nobody will make anyone accountable because justice is never served most especially to the lower classes, who are labelled and treated as disgraced. An eyesore.


"Stigma is not just a Word - It is a word with Devastating Consequences". 2017.


41. Dr Joel Spector, family doctor of thirty years, wrote on the York University 2009 PRAL form submitted to the YU Employee Wellness Office "acute stress reaction/disorder". It was a professional smart writing from someone grounded in education of stigma. Underneath he wrote "Paul needs ongoing support".

42.. With consideration of ALL what has transpired since 2009 how would you assess the impact of the subsequent decade on the "acute stress disorder of PJJ?

43. How about the past four years alone?

44. In April of 2009 when fired from GOL TV for no reason after requesting time off to visit rehab. How do you think it felt?

45. In 2007 PJJ was ranked by Matthew Scianetti - copied here from TSN - as the top soccer analyst in the country at A+

46. What do you think the impact on the "acute stress disorder was" when you know you have been fired from GOL TV because they know of your substance issue?

47. What do you think the impact on the "acute stress disorder" was when I was excommunicated with and requested to formalize my resignation at York University? What would have been the impact on my psyche?

48. What do you think the impact on the "acute stress disorder" was:

When I could not receive employment! subsequent to York University's constructive dismissal; when York University refused to meet to discuss the discrimination and resolution in 2012; when they recklessly and unlawfully lied in submissions,; when I had to try-out as a coach in front of parents in 2012 to see if I met their standard of mental health before being approved to coach an U12 boys team; when losing first home in 2010. Second home in 2014;. To be turned down by local soccer clubs for simple training sessions; even the Alma mater club Oakville whom in 2008 I had given a speech pro bono,; or to receive crackhead comments; to be defamed and assassinated by Jason Devos and Co once Cracked Open was released,; defamed as a Rat n the Singapore Bribery Scandal; to see my partner Ashley lose her hair from the stress of it all,;to be butchered by Tess Sheldon and Brenda Culbert two lawyers doing the bidding for others in obstructing justice;. To read the decision rationales of the Judicial system; to be in Fiilmores at 132lbs when combination of starvation with a kidney stone attack and vomiting from what little I tried to eat before collapsing on the floor in public wreathing in pain to be put in an ambulance only for two hour's later to review a disgusting comment from the Canadian Press imbecile who goes by the name Colin Perkel who single handily severed any possible redemption with my family - all courtesy of Bob Rae.;. How do you think Prime Minister and SCC Chief Justice (s) the impact on ",acute stress disorder," is doing? And this is just the tip of an iceberg. Haven't had a car since 2009. A credit card since 2015. And all Bob Rae could conjure up was "we will help you get back on your feet" a ruthless Scapegoating of justice harming millions. He severed, cuckooed or destroyed each initiative I came up with to fight for Truth. Mike Young, Hillsborough Disaster Documentary, Starvation, Homelessness. Walks to Ottawa. Using mental health innuendo over my head because I wouldn't conform, "you've still got issues", when the person who has unresolved issues is clearly Bob Rae himself. His life is in order not chaos. Yet it is PJJ who is the rational one with fighting spirit in spite of such appalling chaos. When all failed Bob commented, "I did the best I could.". No. He did the best he could for York University, the Canadian Judicial system and establishment. "

49. If societies including Canada want to improve the mental health of their nation including substance use disorders they will have to confront, address and reconcile the stigma which accompanies it.

50.. The honourable Michael Kirby identified this reality with regard to substance addictions in 2004. Warning of dire consequences if there was a delay.

51. Social Determinants of Health a Canadian perspective produced in 2010 identified that Canada is so wealthy it manages to mask it's inequality gap, youth suicides, and discrimination among other undesirable traits.

52. The Canadian Establishment has failed ALL Canadians in regards to these matters.

53. Past Chief Justice Beverly Maclachlin you have stated on public record accessing social justice is the number one issue the system has to address; that the system can help mitigate the mental health and addiction crisis in Canada; and that when the court makes mistakes and are confronted you will expeditiously correct the injustice. Well, you have fooled me on all counts.

54. You cannot impact stigma with a feather duster or a head in the sand approach. You cannot end stigma with out confronting it first. Head on. Truthfully. Based on current data. Neuroscience, behavioural and social science evidence and information. Anecdotal experiences.

55 The social science information will be the most challenging to accept because it has historically been avoided. Stigma is a part of social science. So are the symptoms of isolation, anxiety, discrimination, prejudice and labeling.

You cannot consider substance issues and addictions without taking into account the social context from which they derive, ferment, manifest and continue. Don't take my word for it speak to Dr Gabor Mate and Dr Bruce Alexander copied here. Two Canadians to be immensely proud of.

56. Yet in adjudicating the James vs York University matter that is exactly what the system did. You eliminated the social context because I filed outside the one year delay. It was overt ruthless discrimination from the outset and the system and process has coveted up ever since.


Forty Seven to One Hundred

1995 Bobby Howe New Hampshire

USSF A license Course

57 In 1995 at the conclusion of a grueling week-long A license coaching course with professional players and international coaches Bobby Howe S ,US staff coach - and former Premier League player from England - stated as a part of my assessment that, "My staff and I are surprised you never played one hundred times for Canada as their right back. You would have if you had lived here".

58. Paul J James competed in 47 international games. 43 were completed by the age of 25. Why would that be?

59. Why would that be Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Chief Justice Beverley Maclachlin and Richard Wagner?

Writings will be completed next time with a wrap up on Canada Soccer and the Canadian soccer career of PJJ. At this stage, it was like I didn't have one. Embarrassed and ashamed of it.

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